This was one of those weeks that really tested my Mommy Endurance. The whole month of May is like Mommy Endurance Month, there is so much going on, it's hard to decipher what is legit and what is just tacked on for shits and giggles.
I did realize, that there needs to be a separate bank account for kids monetary needs, for things like Teacher Appreciation Week, End of Year Parties, and Izzy's library fines.
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week, which also happens to be Field Day week, which is promptly followed with End of Year Party week. Somewhere in there is Mother's Day, yesterday's Cinco De Mayo, The opening of the neighborhood pool, my cousin's wedding, my friends' (plural, cause I figured I should befriend all the lawyers I can for the day I truly snap) law school graduation, my Birthday, Memorial Day, and the Indy 500. And to finish off the month right, The last Day of school. I know I'm forgetting something in there too. Oh yeah, Alex gets his cast off, Ike goes to the dentist, and I think there are immunizations in there too.
This month should also be called "Go For Broke" Month. Why? Because all of the schools are going for the jugular of your bank account. Each day of Teacher Appreciation Week, has a different theme. Bring a flower for your teacher, make a card, bring in a small token of your appreciation. I can foresee an Army of teachers paying for their next meal out, with multiple gift cards to their favorite restaurant, or standing in line at Target with a stack of plastic only to be rivaled only by a "Real Housewife of La la Lands" credit card stack.
Now, in addition to this, the kids have already checked out of school mentally. They are already on "Summer Break" even if their alarm clocks (I mean me) are still set for 6:30. Neighbors' pools are currently over populated with kids who are ready for the neighborhood pool to be open, but still has 2 weeks off. Homework is a four letter word times two. And the damn temperature hit 90. Brains have fried, tank tops and flip flops have been released from their captive storage boxes, and stock in sun block has kept Wall Street afloat.
Mom's across the country are transitioning from the current school year menu planning, to Summer Menu stock piling. Popsicles, Abundant snacks and water bottles. Towels and swim gear replacing after school activities. Summer Camp registrations, and supply lists in hand. It's ON!
Meltdowns, oof, the meltdowns. I think the combination of heat and hormones is something that ranks up there with menopause. Izzy had one yesterday, that lasted for HOURS. And no amount of parental torture got her back on track. By the end of the day, computers were confiscated, solitary confinement was enacted, and threats of social estrangement were all thick and heavy swirling around poor Izzy.
Moops has now figured out the whole "faking" sick deal. Every morning starts off with a stomach ache, ear infection, or the threat of puke.
Alex, he is just "DONE!".
And Ike is still relatively oblivious to what is going on.
What a fun month May is....