Which means Christmas is around the corner. And that means I have to clean things I normally ignore. Like, the window blinds and that one cabinet in my kitchen that holds all the things I only use at Christmas time.
Of course December means many other things as well. Such as concerts for both Choir and Band, which means I am seriously reconsidering my decision to enroll Izzy in both. Two concerts in the same week.
There is also meal planning for when family comes. The Hubs and I are not exactly wearing the same pair of rose colored glasses, his are far more rosy than mine.... The good news is my Sister's hubby mentioned Deep Frying a Turkey and The Hubs was all over it. So, I guess I will be investing in a fire extinguisher instead of a 15lb standing rib roast.
And Holiday parties at school, which reminds me, I need to email Alex's class about their party.....
Oh, and then there is The Hubs' Company Party that is cocktail attire. That means I have to buy a dress, and heels, and possibly get my hair done. And maybe dig out my super expired make up that I bought when my sister got married..... Or just buy more make up.
And there is the Army/Navy Game. The ONLY football game "WE" watch. Go Army! Sink Navy! I go for the wings and to watch The Hubs relive his days with other Alumnists. Is "alumnists" a word? I should use spell check. Nope, it's not, but you catch the drift. Right?
We had NAGA this weekend. It was a blast. Alex got first place and earned his Katana. Moops pulled off the most incredible arm bar ever! And my Mom was there to see it! Super exciting!
Oh, then my sister had her baby. An itty bitty cutie of a little girl. We spent the whole weekend holding her. Well, except for when we were at NAGA watching my boys do great!
And now, I am here and falling asleep at the keyboard. So, I wish you all a good night and hopefully no reindeer disturb your slumber....
Summer Orzo
8 years ago
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