This week has been one of those weeks where banging my head against a brick wall would be a relief...
We are 18 days from Christmas, the kids KNOW this, their internal Countdown To Santa Clock is better tuned than that ginormous univesal atomic clock thing they keep the world's time with.
There is then the ridiculous amount of candy that is being fed to them by their teachers. My only hope is that this candy thing is in truth just a nasty cycle that no one has figured out how to stop yet. They give candy to our kids hoping that in turn that sugar high will crash just as we are in the middle of TaeWonSoccerPiano lessons. Just as their kid is also crashing while in the middle of Dance Dance Car Pool.
And you know what sucks. It's only Wednesday.... That means I have 2 more days of this, before I get to sleep in past 6.
With that comes the necessity to keep things in perspective. I have to force myself to remember that my kids do not have the accumulation of experiences for their actions that I have. Like what happens when you shove a sponge into the faucet of the bathtub and then turn on the water. My Daughter now knows that Mom will scream at you like a freight train.....
So, I have decided to compile a list for kids to utilize when they are deciphering whatever it is their parents are screaming at them....
1. "What The Hell" equals "oh shit I remember what happened when I did that, and it wasn't good'.....
2. "Stop The Fighting" equals "This must be Karma making up for all the fighting I did as a kid".....
3. "For Crying Out Loud" equals "Have we not figured this out yet, I just yelled at you 5 seconds ago. Do we need to have your memory checked?"......
4. "For The Love of All Mighty" equals "I need a stiff drink or a brick wall to get through this".....
5. "What Do You Mean.......?" equals "This one is new, even for me"....
6. "Ill Give You Something To Cry About!" equals "Cause if I don't I will wind up crying/going mad/both"...
7. "I Said NO" equals "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!"
8. "Because I Said So!" equals "Why didnt you just stop when I said "NO"?"...
9. "No You Can't Have That." this usually means you already ate whatever it is they wanted and its all gone. Or you are saving it for after they go to bed.....
10. "UGH! UGH! UGH!" equals "Mommy is done now, a bottle of her favorite fermented juice and mindless dribble on TV is all that will soothe her now"..........
What totally sucks about today is
1. I have no fermented juice tonight, and since it is cold and I had all 4 kids crashing from their sugar highs on our way home from dropping off our carpool load and jiu jitsu. I wasn't going to even try to stop for some.
2. Im also all out of any kind of treat I could eat that I hid from the kids so I could eat it after they go to bed....
3. It's too cold to go outside and bang my head on our brick siding
4. I ran out of a show I was watching on Netflix and am now in need of finding a new show to watch mindlessly.
5. I have effectively removed all sponges from sink/bath tub areas......
6. 45 minutes in the car with all 4 of my kids plus the kid from the carpool herd arguing over whether doing nothing is something or nothing or even a task....
7. Fortunately no one cried today, but Ike has resorted to just giving me the pouty lip anytime we make eye contact.
8. Moops was in time out for a collective 30 minutes, in a one hour time span. He kept climbing the walls at Jiu Jitsu, even after doing his time out repeatidly...
9. We fortunately had no "What do you mean?" moments today. Whew!
10. No was said a lot, not accepted, but it was said.... A LOT.
Summer Orzo
8 years ago
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